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Alluring Motifs: Oriental Rug Designs and You
Welcome back to another entry in Fine Rug Collection's blog! This week we're going into further depth concerning the design of Oriental rugs. Each style of rug has their own influences, from their color, to their size, to their very craft....
Customizing your Living Space: Floors Adorned
Last week, we published to you a list on the several avenues an Oriental rug can mesh with one's environment. Walls, decor, style, aesthetic, furniture--several avenues that have an impact on one's interior design, especially when including an Oriental or Persian...
Household Decor: Six Ways to Maximize your Rug's Potential
Welcome back to another Fine Art Collection blog entry! As the weeks have gone by, we've covered the straightforward basics when it comes to an Oriental or Persian rug purchase. With the basics under our belt, it's high time we...
An Oriental Rug's Color: Sync vs. Contrast
Another week, another Fine Rug Collection blog post! For the past few weeks we've been touching upon how each aspect of an Oriental rug have a major impact on your purchase. We've covered size and color, but this week we're taking...